Guest Workshop with Self Diagnosed - Character and Long-form

Guest Workshop with Self Diagnosed - Character and Long-form

Do you ever feel stuck in your improv scenes? Do you often find yourself falling back on that one “safe” character you love to play? Then fear not, because this workshop is for you.

In this workshop, we will go over how to build strong, funny, memorable characters in the blink of an eye; As well as how these characters relate to each other within the framing of your scene. With these tools you can create scenes and stories in your sets that will leave your audiences saying “that was funny AND interesting (and maybe kind of weird… but in a good way).”

  • Date & Time: Sat, February 3rd 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM CDT
  • Admission Price: $20
  • Location: ComedySportz San Antonio
  • Facilitators: Nadia Dewolf and Doak Rapp

About Nadia Dewolf

Nadia DeWolf is about as close to a cartoon carney as you can get these days. Based out of Dallas, Texas, she is a comedian, actor, writer, and general menace to the public. She firmly believes in improv’s liberating ability to turn beautiful princesses into wise cracking frogs and vice versa. She has been trained in movement, modern dance, and stage combat - all of which make for a physically weird show.

About Doak Rapp

Doak Rapp is an actor, comedian, and Muppet-turned-man based out of Dallas Texas. He has been seen on screens and stages across the country over the last decade. There was that one time he was spotted in a trash can, Oscar the grouch style, but we don’t talk about that. He has been teaching long-form improv to all ages for the last 5 years, and he truly believes that regardless of what you do, hoisting your sail to the wind of “yes and” and riding the tides of audience suggestion is a truly freeing skill, and a mindset that can help you succeed in anything you set out to do.