Guest Workshop - SCENEWORK 9-1-1

Guest Workshop: SCENEWORK 9-1-1

Help! My scene has fallen, and it can’t get up!… What do we do when a scene goes awry?

How do we put together the misshaped puzzle pieces of a broken scene? Why are there now zombies in this deep, emotional, family drama scene? Is Jimbo just playing a tree this entire show?… Discover fun and creative ways to turn that dumpster fire of a scene into an artistic masterpiece. Let’s figure out editing, add-ons, steering into the crash, and whatever other bandaids (or tourniquets) we can use when everything goes south.

  • Date & Time: Sat, May 4th 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
  • Admission Price: $25
  • Location: The Little Improv Theater Home of ComedySportz San Antonio
  • Facilitator: Brian Scribner

About Brian Scribner

Brian has been improvising since birth (because life doesn’t come with a script). He has dined with royalty, and toiled with peasants, yet he has always returned to his first love… improv. As no one knows his true age, it is entirely possible that he was there for the creation of improv itself. It remains one of life’s greatest mysteries. You can also see him perform at ComedySportz San Antonio, with MY 4 DADS, as 1/2 of BS & DAVE, or at random HEB’s. (Brian has taught, coached, or performed alongside 79.3% of San Antonio’s Improv Community).